Sunday, April 1, 2012

Author, Teacher, and Student of Life

I'm so very excited to have completed this video compilation touching on the major events that have led me to this point of embarking on a journey literally "around" the US - an adventure into the unknown, yet somehow familiar.  Please help me spread the word by sharing and passing it on.  Thank you for your support and for helping make my visions reality!


  1. I'd love to see your comments on here, too! Just testing!

  2. We met yesterday in Houston, over some great BBQ, and more importantly, some great company, at Gatlins. We're very sorry we missed your event at Beatniks, but will be reading your book and following your travels. There was something special about everyone in that restaurant yesterday; and I feel further blessed to have made this connections. Shine on!

  3. The sign on the board at Gatlins reads "Where love is the secret ingredient." We are all connected - we dance not by ourselves but with those who surround us. So lucky to be surrounded by beautiful people like you two ( See you in New York in July!


Thank you for reading my blog. I look forward to your comment!